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KTB has demonstrated consistent and unwavering support for cultural development in Taiwan, especially promotion of arts and humanities. KTB formulated "Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles" passed by the Board of Directors as the basis, and continued to inject resources into cultural and artistic activities or cultural and creative industries mainly by means of donation, sponsorship and procurement. In the frenetic pace of modern day society, we hope to return to our roots and enrich the soul through appreciating works of art and guiding people's understanding and perception of aesthetics. In 2022, KTB invested NT$ 5,122,446 in development of arts and humanities, with participants being up to 35,594 person times in related activities.

Tainan International Music Festival - Eternal Golden Castle Opera Concert

"Tainan International Music Festival" is the first international music brand created by Tainan City Government and Cultural Bureau in 2021, selecting top domestic and foreign musicians and programs to produce and hold exquisite indoor and outdoor music banquet, lecturers, workshops and other musical activities. Its mission is to create top and exquisite new music experience internationally, cultivate excellent music talents and make social bonding, hoping to incubate Tainan's musical environment step by step via musical promotion and rooted education. To welcome the "400th Anniversary" of Tainan in 2024, Tainan City Government and Cultural Bureau hereby decided to hold the "Opera Selection Concert" (one program of "2022 Tainan International Music Festival") grandly in "Eternal Golden Castle " (a Grade I State-designated Historic Site in Tainan City). Special invitation was made to Chinese Artist Neng-Sheng Yu living in Austria for transnational supervision, and well-known European singers gathered here to make romantic singing of classic bel canto, complementing the century-old architecture. KTB promoted artistic culture for long term, and also sponsored NT$ 2 million as fund subsidy for the activity. This concert also had the sponsorship name "Eternal Golden Castle Opera Concert", hoping to promote local cultural atmosphere and international cultural exchange and development by virtue of the broad influence of the music festival platform as well as organization and connection by musics of well-known international musicians. The two concerts had a total of about 4,000 participants.

Various Arts and Cultural Activities

■ KTB has sponsored the Musician Yu-Chien Tseng Violin Concert for 3 consecutive years, and in 2022, we sponsored the New Year Concert of Yu-Chien Tseng and the master conductor Lan Shui, who made grand performance in Taipei National Concert Hall, Kaohsiung Weiwuying Concert Hall and Taichung National Opera House, respectively. KTB invited both its customers and employees to attend the concerts, with a total of about 4,806 audiences for three concerts.

■ National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts is the artistic development base in Southern Taiwan. KTB has sponsored many activities of the center since 2019, and sponsored the Broadway musical "The Lion King" in 2022, and invested the customers for joint appreciation, with the number of audience being about 1,788.

■ Yanshuei Fireworks Festival is a famous sightseeing folk event in Taiwan. To promote local development and cultural inheritance, KTB has participated in relevant activities and sponsored the activity fund for many consecutive years. According to statistics, a total of 25,000 people participated the Firecracks Festival in 2022.